Saturday, October 25, 2008

My advice on marriage

Recently a friend of mine got married. A couple of weeks back, he and his wife invited us for dinner. I wrote this poem for that occasion.

They say if love is like a dream
Then marriage is a wake up call
Take my advice: turn on the snooze
And let the dream go on...

They say if love makes the world go round
Then marriage gives you motion sickness
Take my advice: fasten your seat belt
And get ready for this roller coaster pace...

They say a marriage is a promise
Of a lifetime of togetherness
Take my advice: get away often
And stick to each other a lil less..

They say in a marriage
Never go to bed mad at night
Take my advice: stay up till dawn
And finish up your fight..

They say marriage is easy
But housekeeping is hard
Take my advice: hire a maid
And a billion quarrels will retard..

I've been married for some time now
And it's still a big mystery
Take my advice: do what you enjoy together
And don't listen to me!


  1. This one was toooooo gooooood !!1 Keep writing

  2. BEST poem (or should i say "pom") !!!!!!!!!

  3. Poorva... AMAZING Post.....
    i just loved it man.. :)
    Kudos gurl
