Saturday, February 28, 2009

Complaint free zone

Have you ever felt like you are surrounded by all unhappy folks? Recently, I had this overwhelming feeling that wherever I went, there were complaints and more complaints. Married friends complaining about their spouses - unmarried ones complaining about being single. Employed people grumbling about insane work hours, while unemployed ones tired with their mundane life.  Complaints about family, health, colleagues, managers were galore! In addition, there is the favorite complaint about weight loss. Everyone I was around seemed to be unhappy about something...

Weighed down by the world's grievances and resentment (along with a whole bunch of my own), I decided to join Yoga. I entered the class and on the entrance lay a sign: "Namaste, you have now entered a complaint free zone." The idea was so radical -- a complaint free zone?? Was that really possible? As I continued the class, the idea started growing on me. It seemed so simple, yet so illusive.  You come to a place where there were no self expectations, no self ego and no competition. You listened to your body and accepted yourself for what you were. You appreciated the life in you and reached a place where there were no complaints anymore.

Filled with my new found state of nirvana, I came home and told my husband all about my reinvigorating experience. I told him how much at peace I felt suddenly. I went on by telling him that he should also come with me instead of his regular gym routine. I thought we anyways did not spend enough time with each other. My husband just smiled and gave me a knowing look and ironically said - "Stop Complaining". 


  1. can we make our home complaint free zone too?

  2. so truely written... it seems you inspired through all those fruitless discussions we have the entire time.... :)

  3. as said in marathi "takautun tikavu" :):) .. finally we saw something interesting out of those so called fruitless discussions

  4. u write well !. please continue writing.
    I also write sometimes. Do visit my blog whenever u have time. ur comments would be valuable !

